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Expert Workshop 2014

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability of Buildings and Urban Areas in the Subtropics with Focus on Algeria


Workshop_dz_300The aim of this workshop is to initiate the scientific bilateral cooperation between Germany and Algeria.

The overall goal of this scientific cooperation is to develop via new research more knowledge on Energy Efficiency of buildings and Renewable Energy Technologies, as well as on urban climate issues and eco-sustainability of urban settlements and built heritage for setting strategies of adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. Specific focus is put on warm/hot climates typical for the target north-african country Algeria.

The emphasis is put here on exchange on current research interests and activities, followed by discussion on possible common research to be developed. The outcome of this event is a joint action plan which specifies the content and schedule of commonly agreed activities.


Laufzeit: 10.06.2014 - 12.06.2014

Ansprechpartnerin: J.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Fazia Ali-Toudert

Dieses Projekt wird unterstützt durch DFG